Art of Shooting


Art Of Hoops

When someone seeks to improve their game simply because they just love improving, that to me is what an artist is and what the Art of Hoops is about. When your priority is the day to day process and allowing those long term goals to fall into place as a result of the work you put in. We want to teach people who are serious about the game of basketball, from middle school through college, to have that love and dedication to working on their craft for the sake of their own development.

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The Art Of Shooting

The Art of Shooting is a part of the Art of Hoops series and is focused on getting in the gym, getting shots up and
learning how to develop yourself as a shooter.

Phases to developing yourself as a shooter through the Art of Shooting Clinic  :

  1. Mental Approach-Knowing it is going to take time and work, but committing to doing the work it takes to accomplish your goals and objectives.
  • Being Goal Oriented
  • Being Positive
  • Being Focused and having Concentration
  • Not focusing on the “misses” causing negative reinforcement
  • Dedicating Time to Improving Consistently

2. Developing The Shot- Perfecting the execution to the 5 elements to a perfect shot.IMG_0972

  • Crouch
  • Uncoil
  • Lift
  • Release
  • Landing

Key Terms to perfecting your execution:

  • Effortless Effort
  • Antagonistic Tension

3. Footwork-Making your shot something that is applicable in game situations

  • Develop your “Go To Shot”- Spending a lot of time focusing on a shot you know you can make in a game in numerous situations, making yourself unstoppable

In order to be successful the work can’t stop once you have completed the clinic.

Steps that need to happen after the clinic to ensure you’re successful:

  1. Determining how much you will shoot on your own time daily
  2. Evaluate and assess where your skills are at
  3. Make a plan and establish a consistent routine-Determine how much work it will take to achieve your goals and set a time limit to achieving them
  4. Self evaluations of how you’re doing-Tracking your progress day by day, week by week, so you can see your improvements

By constantly doing this process you become more efficient and a better athlete. Many people over estimate or underestimate their goals and what it will take to achieve them;but as an artist you want to get to the point where you can very accurately depict what it is you need to do to accomplish something.IMG_0791

Things To Remember:

  1. You have to be realistic. One of our mentalities is “The best shooters in the world miss the most shots.”
  2. Mastery is the goal. You want to remove all emotional baggage.
  3. Have confidence that you can get to your spots and hit your shots.
  4. Establish routines-Daily, Weekly, Pre and Post Practice and Games
  5. Know that your commitment to your routines will determine your success.
  6. Our objective is to determine how good you want to be as a shooter and know exactly what it takes to get there.


Location Date Time Grades Link
Delridge Community Center

5411 Delridge Way SW Seattle, WA


February 20th 9:00-3:00 7-12 SIGN UP



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