Help Your Kids Overcome Distractions & Achieve Their Goals


overcome distractions


By Donald Watts

This post is all about giving parents the tools to be better sports parents! All parents want their kids to achieve their dreams. Then why does it feel like a battle for our kids to do what’s necessary to accomplish their goals? I have the answer; it’s how we deal with their struggles.

If this is as far as you read, remember this: To get your kids to achieve maximum growth, don’t harp on the struggle or the outcome, but harp on the process that led to the struggle. Help your kids develop a process to predict, anticipate and prepare for where there is a potential for struggle.

There’s no getting around it- our kids are growing up in a different time than we did. The culture they’re being raised in is full of 24/7 information and distractions. As a result, it is our job to adapt our plan of attack to keep our kids on track to achieving their goals.

Below my son Isaiah and I, get personal on the struggles that we are facing in his quest to become a college player. Most importantly, I dive into how we can help our kids overcome distractions. I am far from perfect, but I’m trying to understand the challenges my kids are facing and how I can be a better sports parent to them!

For tips on how to help you kids develop a growth mindset, read How to Develop a Growth Mindset!

How do we do that? Above all, relate success in the things our kids don’t really care about, to progress towards the things they are passionate about. In other words, finding relevance in what they are not excited about, but need to do, to accomplish the goals they are excited about.

Check out our full conversation below. Leave a comment on similar struggles you’re dealing with and what you want to see more of from us!

Sharing our journey for the sake of those on the same mission! College prep and today’s teenage challenges. Parenting a prospect! Comment, like, share! Get in the gym with Watts!

Posted by Donald Watts on Monday, January 13, 2020


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