Watts Basketball In The Villa Community


Watts Basketball In The Villa Community Pt. 1

It has been such an awesome and rewarding experience for Watts Basketball to have had the opportunity to a part of the Villa Community for the past 3 years. Since starting at Villa, we have noticed a huge shift in confidence, social skills and athleticism in the kids. They have become increasingly more competitive in games, boosting their confidence; knowing they not only have the chance to compete, but they also have the chance to win. From our Villa Community we have witnessed undefeated teams, one loss teams and teams that have increased their scoring from 4 points a game to 30! Watts Basketball has had such a fun time being involved in Villa teams and training and we want to continue to build skills and confidence along with making sure that we are cherishing the relationships and valuing the growth the kids are going through.2015-12-23 10.08.10 Having Watts Basketball at The Villa has been a powerful experience for our college athletes as well as our Villa students. Having the chance to have our young athletes come back from Ivy League schools, share their experiences and hang out and spend time with the kids at our camps and clinics is really important to us. Giving the kids the opportunity to see that it is possible to make your dreams come true.

Villa and Watts Basketball Alumni

Watts basketball has produced countless number of D1 and Ivy league players, but not more proud of any of them than Villa Alumni, Joe Knight who walked on at UW, and Kari Luttinen who recently finished her 4 year degree at University of Portland. After talking with Joe, it was clear that Watts Basketball was the foundation to his success. Joe started training with Watts since he was in 5th grade at The Villa, just like many, and continued all the way through his college career. “Donald has always been there for me. When I came across a problem or was having a hard time in regards to not just basketball but life, he is the one I would call. I really think that having Watts at Villa is a great opportunity for the community to have access to such high quality and professional training. My basketball experience at Villa would not have been the same with Coach Watts and Watts Basketball, and I believe I would not have been able to accomplish what I have without the help of Coach Watts.” –Joe Knight.

Watts In The Villa Community

Athletic Director, Cope Miller, brought coach Watts into Villa Academy to offer kids the opportunity to gain skills, enjoy the game and learn how to play in teams; but what Watts has brought to Villa Academy has been much more
2016-01-23 11.08.11than just gaining skills and knowledge of the game. Cope talked about the changes he has seen in the kids who train with Watts throughout the years stating that he not only notices an improvement in their skills but also in their attitude. “I have noticeably seen a difference in the kid’s attitudes towards each other and games. The kids want to be there with Watts, they enjoy being there and Watts has helped them build a great deal of confidence in themselves.” 2016-01-16 11.46.46Cope has been happy with the impact that Watts Basketball has had on the Villa Community stating its allowed Villa to open it’s gates to others to see what Villa is all about, as well as giving the kids the opportunity to meet and work with others kids who want to learn how to play basketball.

Watts Builds Confidence. Fact!

We have had the chance to get to know and train many kids throughout our years at The Villa. Having the opportunity to grow with the kids and see their transformations have been one of the most gratifying parts of being in the Villa Community. Hearing firsthand how Watts Basketball has helped kids build confidence and grow is one of the most rewarding parts of what we do. Molly Hanlon shared her experience about the transformation she has seen in her son, Teddy, since he has been training with Watts:

We are so thankful that he has the opportunity to come play with you and your coaches.  We have seen a DRASTIC change in his confidence this week. Just this morning, he passed his swim test at the beach.  This was a huge deal for him, he hasn’t been willing to do this for over 2 years.  I don’t think it was a coincidence that it was this week he had to courage to complete such a challenging task.

A parent shared with me yesterday that you would rather have kids focus on fundamentals, skills, practice than games/winning/losing.  In this day and age, it is so refreshing to find coaching that has the right focus.  

Basically – thank you, thank you, thank you.  We are very grateful for what you have already given Teddy!”

Hearing feedback on the impact Watts Basketball has had on our athletes is why we do what we do. Make sure to check out our Villa Album on Facebook, take a look at the fun times we have had through the years and feel free to share with us your own experiences and memories!

Dream Big!

Watts Basketball is thankful for all the opportunities received by being at Villa and a part of the community. One opportunity that means a lot to Watts is being able to have our college athletes share their experiences with the kids. Watts Basketball Camps and Clinics are a great chance to have our college athletes who are home stop by and take a minute to sit down with the kids, share their college experience, talk about how they got where they are and answer any questions that kids have. At Watts Basketball we think it is very important and impactful to have the chance to get the athletes in the gym with the younger kids and show them that it is possible to accomplish your dreams and goals, along with giving them guidance and motivation on how to reach their dreams!

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