Rebound Basketball: Tips on Positioning


Rebound basketball

Nothing gives a basketball team more chances to produce a bucket better than securing rebounds. To that end, the art of jockeying for position before crashing the boards is crucial, raising the need for it to be learned by every hooper and you are no exception. So, here are effective tips on positioning to haul down more rebound basketball. 

Hold Your Ground: Pointers on Positioning for Rebound Basketball

There is more to positioning for a rebound basketball than just filling up space in the shaded area of the court. Truth be told, several factors are to be considered to increase the chances of securing a board. So, to help you with this, here are pointers that you can put into practice.

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Make a point of boxing out

When establishing position in the paint, it is important to place yourself in between your opponent and the basket. In terms of basketball, this is called a box out. This rebounding technique is executed to place yourself in a prime position of snagging down the board while preventing the opposition from establishing ground to contest.

Also, remember to use your body well. This means that your feet should be planted in a firm manner when boxing out while keeping the opposition in check with the use of your arms which must be extended to form a side barrier that keeps him or her from moving upfront.

Determine the ball’s trajectory

As a rebounder, keeping an eye on the ball right from the shot attempt all the way to the moment the rock hits the rim can put you a step ahead in the competition. The reason being, rebounds vary, ranging from short to long ones. The most common rebound basketball drop down the post but shots taken from the perimeter and beyond often result in long rebounds.

In relation to this, locating where the shot attempt was made can also be of help to narrow down the movement of the ball. For example, a shooter lets loose a left corner triple and the attempt missed, there is a high chance that the ball would bounce off towards the other corner. If you are aware of this, you will be able to track the ball down faster than your opponent.

Never leave an opponent uncovered

The biggest threat from securing a rebound basketball for your team is a wide-open rebounder, who has all the time and space in the world to gather power from the ground up to elevate for the board. For this exact reason, you should prioritize locating where your man is on the court and keeping him or her in check when a shot goes up.

Keep in mind that this conscious thinking should be applied at all times, even in transition and loose ball situations, for as long as someone hurled the ball towards the rim.

Secure rebounds and be unstoppable!

Never miss a step

Even in the game of basketball, knowledge is power. So, make the most out of the pointers provided here, putting all of it into good use the next time you run a game. Before you know it, you have already become a rebounding machine that every team would want to have on their side.

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