Commitment vs Interest: The Key to Fulfilling Your Goals


commitment vs interest

Have you ever thought about the goals you started yet you ended up not fulfilling them all the way through? Were there instances where you’re eager to try one thing then end up losing interest after some time?

This is a dilemma between commitment vs. interest.

There’s a big difference between being interested in achieving a goal and being committed to that goal – and between the two, just having interest is insufficient.

Commitment requires making time regardless of how “busy” you may be, while with interest, you feel like you have to find time to do it. Interests are hobbies you do at your convenient time.

Knowing how to differentiate the two will ultimately determine the outcome of your goals and how long you’ll be able to accomplish them.

“There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”- Ken Blanchard

Ready to commit and have the chance to cultivate your skills in a supportive setting?

Ten Things You Can Do to Draw the Line Between Commitment vs. Interest

Having interest is not enough. You need to be “all in.” Commitment requires determination and willingness to do what it takes to meet your objectives. If you are committed to your plan, you must make small, consistent decisions every day that are in line with how you visualize success. Successful and goal-driven people have common traits among them that help them stay intentional. Here are ten things you can apply to your life to define the difference between commitment vs. interest.

1. Identify distractions and roadblocks and immediately look for solutions.

2. Keep focus on the end goal and disregard sacrifices along the way.

3. Align values and priorities with your goals.

4. Drop any excuses that will get in the way of your commitment

5. Be all in towards your goal even if you don’t have a clear path to achieving it (yet).

6. Find answers outside your comfort zone or what is “expected.”

7. Drop the need for approval from others who have never done what you’re trying to do.

8. Seek mentors and coaches who have been successful and what they are trying to accomplish.

9. Imagine having a successful outcome. For one thing, start to visualize as if you’ve already achieved your goal. This helps you stay motivated.

10. Commit to becoming that person you want to be —- start with your mindset, habits, and game plan. For example, avoid negative emotions such as worry and fear.

Stay Committed to Reach Your Full Potential

To sum up, realizing the difference between commitment and interest gives you a clear picture of your blueprint in reaching your full potential. To excel at your chosen craft, you need to step your game, be steadfast, and stick to habits that help you.  People committed to growth know that there is only practice and refinement. Be in the zone, show up every day and be persistent in your pursuit of goals. Finally, if fallbacks and challenges come your way, take them as learning opportunities to improve your game.

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